scrollable demos

$(function() {
	// 1. a basic setup. navigate "over" the last element to see looping
	// 2. vertical example. items are not clickable
	$("div.vertical:eq(0)").scrollable({size:3, clickable:false, vertical:true});
	// 3. another vertical example.
	$("div.vertical:eq(1)").scrollable({size:3, vertical:true});
	// setup global variable "api" to demonstrate scrollable API usage
	window.api = $("div.vertical:eq(1)").scrollable();
	// 4. two row example. just different layout in HTML
		// this time we have a custom listener
		onSeek: function() {
			$("#info").text("current index: " + this.getStatus().index);	
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var api = $("div.vertical:eq(1)").scrollable();

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